Wiley Elementary February Newsletter: Please use the link below to access February's Newsletter. https://secure.smore.com/n/m9pazf
about 3 hours ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Introducing the Wiley Secondary Newsletter. We are excited to share the fantastic events taking place in our school.
2 days ago, Dean Thompson
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Wiley. The Book Fair will be set up the week of February 10th. Please see flyers for additional information.
3 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Book Fair
Book Fair
Book Fair
Get your Valentine Grams!
3 days ago, Draven Adame
This is an excellent opportunity for high school students. Our local Lions Club is hosting a Youth Speech Contest. Please take a look at the attached flyers for additional information. Mrs. Torres, Mrs. Krentz, and Mrs. McDowell will also share information during their classes. If you have any additional questions, please contact Mr. Thompson, who can assist in addressing them.
4 days ago, Dean Thompson
Wiley School Seniors! Another scholarship opportunity!! COLORADO COUNTY CLERKS ASSOCIATION 2025 ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP The Colorado County Clerks Association scholarship is established to aid outstanding Colorado graduating high school seniors in furthering their education, particularly in the field of public service. The scholarships will be awarded to qualifying students on an objective and non-discriminatory basis. The scholarships will be one-time awards on a regional basis: Central Region: Two (2) $1,500 awards. One (1) $1,000 award Eastern, Southern and Western Region: One (1) $1,500 and one (1) $1,000 award each. The scholarship award may be used for educational expenses at an institution of higher learning including university, college, junior/community college, or technical institution. Selection Criteria ➢ Completed application. ➢ 3.25 minimum grade point average (G.P.A.) ➢ Participation in extracurricular, community and service activities. ➢ Demonstrated financial need or hardship. Selection Process Students will submit applications to their county clerk of residence by the applicable deadline. Find a roster for county clerks at www.clerkandrecorder.org for contact information. The applications are submitted by email (preferred), USPS, or in person to the County Clerk by the last Friday in March (March 28, 2025). Each Regional Chair will convene a selection committee and select the regional winners by the adopted scoring system. Regional Chairs will email the name and contact information of the winner and 2nd and 3rd place finalists to the Executive Director by the last Friday in April (April 25, 2025). The Executive Director will notify the winners and represented county clerks and post the name of the winner on the www.clerkandrecorder.org website on May 1st. See the school front office for the application!
4 days ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Scholarship Opportunity picture
We are please to announce that Wiley School District will be hosting another guest speaker for our students and staff. We are excited to welcome Mr. Willie Spears to Wiley. Student presentations will be held on Thursday, February 6th and the staff presentation will be held on Friday, February 7th. Please see the flyer for additional information on presentation times. Please reach out with any questions you may have.
4 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Guest Speaker
Wiley School Seniors! Take a look at this scholarship opportunity. The Colorado Lions Foundation has opened it's 2025 scholarship application. Use this link to access this application information. https://smr.to/p102069
4 days ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Scholarship Opportunity- Colorado Lions Foundation Logo and Lions International Logo
Preschool and Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 13th. There will be no school this day. Please see flyer for additional information.
4 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
PT Conferences
Elementary January Academic Assembly: Please join us on Thursday, February 6th to help celebrate our January achievements.
4 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Happening this week!
5 days ago, Draven Adame
Penny War at Wiley Elementary: Please begin collecting your change and let the fun begin! Please see attachments for additional information.
7 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Universal Preschool Registration is open for the 25-26 school year. If you have a child that will be 4 years old by October 10th they will qualify. This cutoff date is a change which it has been extended so please be aware. If your child has a sibling or a relative that works for the school district, they will automatically be placed at Wiley once you register. You may use the following link to register https://upk.colorado.gov/. The first application round ends February 5th. Please help spread the word as we are excited to have two preschool classrooms again next year. Please reach out with any questions you may have.
8 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Wiley Elementary Staff and Students would like to congratulate these students for meeting or exceeding their Winter NWEA goal in all three tests including; Reading, Language Usage, and Math. Due to their hard work and dedication to their learning, these students will be rewarded with a field trip of their own. The field trip will take place on Wednesday, February 12th. Students will be coming home with an itinerary and waiver that must be signed and returned in order to attend. Once again, Congratulations and keep up the great work! We are very proud of you!
8 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Wiley Elementary Staff and Students would like to congratulate Jaxi Downing on a successful weekend of wrestling. Jaxi participated with Sisters on the Mat out of Texas in an all-girls duals team at Oiltown Throwdown in Ponca City, OK. Her team placed 1st in the Silver Division out of 12 teams. Jaxi walked away with four pins on the weekend! Keep up the great work Jaxi! Wiley Elementary is proud to showcase our students' achievements outside of school as well. Please feel free to send any pictures and a short summary and I would be glad to post. We are equally proud of our students as they succeed in their extracurricular activities.
10 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Prowers County needs your input! Prowers County and the Logan Simpson consultants are in the process of finalizing the draft for the Prowers County Comprehensive Plan update. The county will be hosting a series of events in Wiley, Holly, Granada, and Lamar for individuals to review the final draft and make comments. See the attached flyers for details. Individuals may also view the draft and make comments online at www.ProwersCompPlan.com or in Spanish at www.ProwersCompPlan.com/ProwersEsp
11 days ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Prowers County Comprehensive Plan-Ready for Review-Review online at www.ProwersCompPlan.com
Spanish flyer Prowers County Comprehensive Plan ready for review.  View the plan on ProwersCompPlan.com/ProwersEsp
Reminder, Little Panther Cheer forms are due by tomorrow!”
16 days ago, Draven Adame
There will be a dinner for the Class of 2028 tomorrow night, during the games against Kim. Come out and support!
16 days ago, Draven Adame
Wiley Preschool UPK Registration Day: Staff at Wiley Preschool will be set up on Friday, January 24th from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm to help assist any families that would like to register their 4 year old child for preschool next year (2025-2026). Wiley Preschool is located at 400 Ward St. If you are unable to attend the registration event, please feel free to visit upk.colorado.gov/ to register from home. First round registration closes on February 5th. Parents that register before February 5th will be notified of placement on February 24th. Children do not have to live within Wiley School District boundaries to register. Please reach out with any additional questions you may have.
17 days ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Wiley Community-Check out this great opportunity for youth ages 16-21 to join the Prowers County Sheriff's Department for their 2nd Annual Prowers County Youth Academy. Use the QR Code on the flyer for more information. Students can earn 3 elective college credits at no cost. The top cadet will receive a $500 scholarship from Frontier Bank. Cadets can also earn additional scholarships and awards.
18 days ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Prowers County Sheriff Youth Academy- June 2 through June 6, 2025