Good Morning Panther Country - Enrollment forms are up and ready to be filled out. PRESCHOOL STUDENTS: Please click on the preschool link and follow the prompts to get all of your paperwork filled out to attend Wiley Preschool. Make sure you also fill out a "New Student Form" as well. RETURNING STUDENTS: Please click on the Returning Student link and fill out all the information for your child to return to Wiley Schools. You MUST also fill out a Health Information Form (one form per student). NEW STUDENTS: Please click the New Student link and follow the prompts to get your child newly enrolled with us. You MUST also fill out a "new student form". There is also an application for free and reduced lunches. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Ashley Tixier at 719-829-4806. We look forward to seeing your kiddos in the fall.
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Annnnnd we’re off!!!
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
new gym project 3
new gym project 2
New gym project
new gym project 4
Wiley School District is looking for an early elemenatry teacher who loves teaching kindergarten or first grade students. If you are interested, please contact Jeff Bollinger at
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
On Monday 6/28 and Tuesday 6/29 a few streets in Wiley will not have access for parking due to chip seal work being done. Please make sure not to park on the following streets - Ward, Welton, Gordon, Lavastone, and N. Circle Dr.. Thank you to the town of Wiley for working hard to keep our community looking great!
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
•⏰ TIME IS RUNNING OUT ⏰• Enroll your K-6th grade student in JumpStart. Dates have been modified; first day will be July 12th and the program will run through the 22nd.
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Congrats on a great season to our track teams. Even though the season was unconventional (like all seasons this year), they all did a fantastic job!
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Tell, Brooke, and Johanna hanging out during a track meet.
Tell Piner
Brooke Thompson
Johanna Brown
CHSAA has released the girls volleyball all-state teams. Congratulations goes out to - Macy Rowan 1A first team. - Taira Weber honorable mention. - Fatima Gomez honorable mention. Great job, girls 🏐
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Maintenance crew hard at work this summer. Watch the changes as we freshen up our look. 💙🐾
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Football field work.
Painting the doors.
Always wanted to be a teacher? Have the desire but maybe not the education or experience? Join Wiley School’s, “Teacher in Training” program. We will hire you as a paraprofessional, partner you with a classroom or subject matter teacher and pay for your classes to help you get your degree and teaching license. All subject matters are a possibility from Elementary to Secondary. Please email superintendent Bollinger at to see if this might be the right fit for you.
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
The enrollment form for our JumpStart program is now available on our webpage. Visit
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
It was another great day of performance training. #GetBetter
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Our student athletes working hard in a Monday morning.
Mrs. Wollert in the mix of helping shooters.
Coach O giving tips for agility training.
JUMPSTART is a great opportunity to help minimize the ‘summer slide’ and prepare your students for a successful school year! Jumpstart is free of charge and will begin July 12th and will be Monday-Thursday from 8:30-11:30. Last day will be Thursday July 29th. Transportation will be provided for students living in Lamar at the Truck Stop Plaza. If you are insterested, registration forms will be available next week.
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
1st Annual Summer Weights Draft Wiley High School Students (9-12) please join us on Thursday at 9 am for the first annual summer weights draft. Seniors will lead the different teams while earning daily and weekly points for 8 weeks in the summer. Each week teams are asked to complete weekly challenges accumulating points for their teams. The winning team will celebrate the first week of August. Go Panthers!
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
CORRECTION: 9-12 students awards and report cards can be picked up at the school June 1st-3rd from 9am to 3 pm. Elementary and Junior High awards and report cards have been mailed.
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Academic & Athletic Awards & Report Cards Awards and report cards can be picked up at the school June 1st-3rd from 9am to 3 pm.
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Anyone interested in playing high school football next year - there will be a BBQ to meet the new coaching staff. Tuesday @ 6pm at the Larrick's house (325 Willow Valley). Players please bring: Freshmen - side dish Sophomores - dessert Juniors - side dish Seniors - dessert
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Wiley School District is seeking applications for a Front Office Assistant. Please submit a letter of interest at resume to Superintendent Bollinger at Position will be open until filled. EOE
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Wiley School District is seeking applications for a District Business Manager. Please forward a letter of interest and resume to Superintendent Jeff Bollinger at Position will be open until filled. EOE
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
2022 Economic Literacy Colorado Calendar Contest Winners Ehren Gonzales and Landyn Weeks were selected as two of 14 winners for the 2022 Economic Literacy Colorado Calendar Contest. Ehren and Landyn will each receive a $50 check. Congratulations!
over 3 years ago, Wiley School District
Graduation Sunday at Noon If you are unable to attend, the ceremony will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel at . There is also a link on our website at
almost 4 years ago, Wiley School District