12/11 JH Basketball Game Cancelled The JH Basketball game vs. Karval that was scheduled for Friday, December 11th has been cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Candy Cane Grams
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
CC Grams
The JH Basketball game vs. McClave scheduled for 12/8/20 has been cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Maribeth Kemp
Preschool remote learning materials will be available for pickup between 7:30 and 8:00 am on Monday December 7th.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Preschool will be on remote learning from December 7-17th. In person learning will resume January 4th.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
There will be no Preschool at Wiley on Thursday, December 3rd. We apologize for the inconvenience.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
All JH and HS football equipment needs to be turned in to Mr. Adame by Wednesday, December 2nd.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
American Education Week Dress-Up Days November 30th - December 3rd
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Am Ed Wk
In person school will resume for all students at Wiley school district on Monday November 30th. Students in 6th-12th grade will have the option to continue with remote learning through google classroom. There will not be any zoom type meetings, all assignments will be given through google classroom. If you choose remote learning you will not be able to participate in sports workouts. If you choose remote learning you will need to contact Sebrina by email to let us know. Elementary students please remember to bring your backpack, iPad and materials back to school with you. If you are sick, please stay home, contact Sebrina and access your materials online.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Wiley School still has plenty of food to distribute. Please come to the school and pick up your breakfasts and lunches for the week!
about 4 years ago, Maribeth Kemp
Wiley School is now distributing breakfast and lunch to everyone aged 1-18 in your household at no charge until 11 am.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
We will be providing three breakfasts and three lunches to everyone aged 1-18 in your household at no charge. Distribution will be on Monday the 23rd from 10-11 am in front of the school. All six meals will be provided at this time.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Wiley School District is requesting proposals for the Community Gym Project. Project to include a steel framed building with insulation and interior options with associated costs for the dimensions of 120 X 80 with a side wall ceiling height of 18’ usable space. Quote to include all costs associated with the building construction including plans, permits, excavation, concrete, construction, electrical, plumbing, HVAC with option for brick facade exterior. Project to meet all existing state and local codes with ADA compliance. The project needs to be reviewed and permitted through the Div. of Fire Prevention and Control and meet all existing codes in regards to energy/ occupancy/ toilets/suppression/ Wind/ Snow Loads. Please provide various exterior options with associated costs. Proposal to include itemized details Proposal to be submitted to The Wiley Superintendent’s office by Friday December 14th at noon. Any questions please contact Superintendent Jeff Bollinger at 719.829.4806 or by email at jeff.bollinger@wileyschool.org
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Elementary supplies are now ready to be picked up. Pick-up through 11 am. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Maribeth Kemp
JH and HS football players who were planning to turn in picture orders today can email their order (either a picture of the form or just type out what you want) to panthertalestaff@gmail.com . You can pay for your order when we return to school. Please forward any questions to Mrs. Prosser at panthertalestaff@gmail.com or robin.prosser@wileyschool.org.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
COVID Exposure Guidance ​If you or your student were possibly exposed to a positive COVID case, Public Health will be contacting you. It is advised for all to maintain social distance and wear a mask. Students do not need to quarantine unless contacted by Public Health, but it is advised to limit contact with anyone outside of your family.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Wiley Remote Learning Plan 2020-2021 Thank you for your efforts as we move to Remote Learning. We understand that our goal is to have in person learning as much as possible, but at this time, we will need to switch to our Remote Learning Plan. Please be advised of the following details. Parents and families are responsible for securing internet access. All materials and instruction will be delivered electronically via zoom, google meets, class dojo and google classroom. There will not be any packet exchange. Student IPADS will be available for pick up on Monday November 16th between 10:00-11:00 AM. You will drive through the pickup-dropoff line. Attendance in regularly scheduled sessions will be required, however, it is understood that not all family situations will be able to maintain this schedule so some adjustments may need to be made with attendance. All assignments are required to be completed and will be counted towards course grades. Elementary students will be required to be on two separate sessions of Lexia reading and two separate sessions of I-Ready math for a total of four daily sessions. Students know how to access these programs but parents will need to monitor. It is recommended that kindergarten and first grade work in 15 minute sessions. Sessions for 2nd through 5th grade should be 20 minutes each. Please do not extend these sessions or you will lose effectiveness. Sessions should be separated throughout the day with time in between to maximize the potential of the program. Class Zoom meetings will be scheduled as follows and students will need to try and attend if possible, if not, they will need to view the recorded session: Kindergarten 9:00-9:50 Tuesday and Thursday 1st Grade 10:00-10:50 Monday and Wednesday 2nd Grade 11:00-11:50 Monday and Wednesday 3rd Grade 9:00-9:50 Monday and Wednesday 4th Grade 10-10:50 Tuesday and Thursday 5th Grade 11:00-11:50 Tuesday and Thursday Session details and invitations will be communicated through class dojo. Secondary students will be required to attend their core classes through google classroom and google meets. Google classrooms will contain class assignments and materials to be accessed daily by the student and do not have a scheduled time. All classwork will be posted by 9:00 AM each day. Attendance check ins will be monitored and recorded. Google meetings will take place once a week for all academic courses for middle school, high school and college classes. Google meetings will be scheduled as follows and students will need to try and attend if possible, if not, they will need to view the recorded session: HS 1st period 12:00-12:50 Monday 2nd period 1:00-1:50 Monday 3rd period 2:00-2:50 Monday 4th period 12:00-12:50 Tuesday 5th period 1:00-1:50 Tuesday 6th period 2:00-2:50 Tuesday 7th period 3:00-3:50 Wednesday 8th period 3:00-3:50 Thursday MS 1st period 12:00-12:50 Wednesday 2nd period 1:00-1:50 Wednesday 3rd period 2:00-2:50 Wednesday 4th period 12:00-12:50 Thursday 5th period 1:00-1:50 Thursday 6th period 2:00-2:50 Thursday Session details will be communicated through Google classroom All academic electives will meet at the scheduled times. Activity based electives such as PE, Music and Art will expect students to continue to pursue private practice for a minimum of 20 minutes per day.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Due to positive Covid results we will not have school on Thursday November 12th, all activities are cancelled. We will shift to remote learning starting Monday November 16th through November 24th. Thanksgiving break will begin on November 25th. We will plan to resume onsite school on Monday November 30th. Elementary ipads and materials will be available through the drop off and pick up lane between 10:00-11:00 AM on Monday the 16th. 6th through 12th grade students will access material through their chromebooks. Please see the remote learning plan to access times and all the requirements for your students.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
American Education Week Activities
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District
Due to additional county health restrictions effective on Friday, we have moved our Football game with Crowley County to Thursday night, 11/12 beginning at 6 PM. There will not be a JH game.
about 4 years ago, Wiley School District