Check out the new addition between the Ag Building and Preschool. Wiley FFA installed one of their previous projects, a Take a Book Share a Book Library. What a great addition to our campus. Thank you, Ms. DuVall and Crew.
5 months ago, Dean Thompson
Wiley Accountability Committee is looking for additional members. Please feel free to contact Mr. Thompson for any further information if interested.
5 months ago, Dean Thompson
We would like to invite any family members, current and former students, staff, community members, and neighboring community members to the school for a remembrance breakfast on Saturday, September 7th from 9am-11am as well as that evenings football pregame moment of silence and remembrance release. The events of September 8th, 2021 have forever impacted the lives of many, please feel welcome to come and gather as we hold to the memories. Thank you for all the support that has been extended especially to the families, as well as our students over the past 3 years. 💙XMCHB💙
5 months ago, Dean Thompson
Students who miss just two days of school a month (excused or unexcused) over the course of a year are at risk of not reading proficiently by the end of third grade, struggling academically in Junior High and/or dropping out of High School. Absenteeism can negatively affect students’ social, emotional, and physical well-being. Families, Staff, and Community: It takes all of us to encourage consistent attendance!
5 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Attendance is a Shared Responsibility at Wiley.  Students who miss just two days of school are likely to struggle at all levels of school.
Please come out on Saturday, September 7th, to support a wonderful cause. Dinner will be served during the Wiley and Cheyenne Wells football game.
5 months ago, Dean Thompson
Preschool Paraprofessional Job Opportunity: Please see attached flyer or for more information. Position begins September 9th
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Elementary September Newsletter: Please use the link below to access the newsletter for September.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Childfind Screenings: Please see the attached flyer for additional information.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Parent Drop-off and pick up: Beginning tomorrow Tuesday, August 27th drop-off and pick up will be moved back to the front of the school in the usual location. This will be temporary while we are waiting for additional roofing materials to arrive.
6 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
For Sale: Wiley School District is selling a 1998 BlueBird 65 passenger bus. It has a 3116 Cat Engine, Automatic Transmission, Mileage 95,309, 10R 22.5 Tires. $3000 or Best Offer To see photos, please go to this link:
6 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Bluebird bus side view photo
BlueBird Bus Photos
For Sale: Wiley School District is looking to sell their 2006 Dodge Caravan. Seats 7 with the driver, mileage 170,625, AC, Power Steering, Auto, 3.3 L V6, new windshield. The district will be accepting closed bids through September 12, 2024. To submit a bid, please provide your bid in a sealed envelope to the Wiley School's main office that includes all contact information (name, date, phone/email address). Minimum reserve of $2000. Bids will be reviewed by the School Board at their Sept. 16, 2024 meeting and winning bid will be notified after that date. For photos please visit this link:
6 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Dodge Caravan Picture
🐾📣Wiley Cheer Fundraiser. Please contact a high school cheerleader to get your gear! 📣🐾
6 months ago, Draven Adame
🐾Little Panthers Cheer Camp! Registrations are due Monday September 16th! Forms will be sent home in your elementary students take home folders.🐾
6 months ago, Draven Adame
Panthers for Peyton!!! It was amazing seeing all the staff and students wearing their grey/gold. Peyton, please know we are rooting for you and are here to support!!!
6 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Student Drop Off Reminder: Please remember that all students K-12th grade need to be dropped off along Main Street by the east facing doors of the Auxiliary Gym. Once students are dropped off, Junior/High school students may walk around to the south doors by the Art room. Elementary students should report to the playground. If elementary students plan on eating breakfast, the bus doors will be unlocked. 5th Street will be blocked off at Main Street starting tomorrow. There were several days last week that parents were lined up along 5th Street and the school buses could not get through. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
6 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Please wear grey and gold on Mondays to help show the support this amazing family deserves.
6 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Fall Rec Sports Registration: Please see flyer for additional information.
6 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Rec Registration
Elementary Open House: Please join us for our Elementary Open House on Tuesday August 20th from 5:30-7:00 pm.
6 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
24-25 Open House
Preschool/Elementary Testing Day Reminder: Please remember that this Thursday, August 15th, preschool and elementary students will NOT have school. Please be on the lookout for your child's teacher be sending a reminder home pertaining to your child's testing time. Please call with any questions.
6 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
testing Day
Put Thursday on your calendar!
6 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Back to School Picnic-Thursday August 15 at 6:30pm