Childfind Screenings: Please see the attached flyer for additional information.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Parent Drop-off and pick up: Beginning tomorrow Tuesday, August 27th drop-off and pick up will be moved back to the front of the school in the usual location. This will be temporary while we are waiting for additional roofing materials to arrive.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
For Sale: Wiley School District is selling a 1998 BlueBird 65 passenger bus. It has a 3116 Cat Engine, Automatic Transmission, Mileage 95,309, 10R 22.5 Tires. $3000 or Best Offer To see photos, please go to this link:
5 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Bluebird bus side view photo
BlueBird Bus Photos
For Sale: Wiley School District is looking to sell their 2006 Dodge Caravan. Seats 7 with the driver, mileage 170,625, AC, Power Steering, Auto, 3.3 L V6, new windshield. The district will be accepting closed bids through September 12, 2024. To submit a bid, please provide your bid in a sealed envelope to the Wiley School's main office that includes all contact information (name, date, phone/email address). Minimum reserve of $2000. Bids will be reviewed by the School Board at their Sept. 16, 2024 meeting and winning bid will be notified after that date. For photos please visit this link:
5 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Dodge Caravan Picture
🐾📣Wiley Cheer Fundraiser. Please contact a high school cheerleader to get your gear! 📣🐾
5 months ago, Draven Adame
🐾Little Panthers Cheer Camp! Registrations are due Monday September 16th! Forms will be sent home in your elementary students take home folders.🐾
5 months ago, Draven Adame
Panthers for Peyton!!! It was amazing seeing all the staff and students wearing their grey/gold. Peyton, please know we are rooting for you and are here to support!!!
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Student Drop Off Reminder: Please remember that all students K-12th grade need to be dropped off along Main Street by the east facing doors of the Auxiliary Gym. Once students are dropped off, Junior/High school students may walk around to the south doors by the Art room. Elementary students should report to the playground. If elementary students plan on eating breakfast, the bus doors will be unlocked. 5th Street will be blocked off at Main Street starting tomorrow. There were several days last week that parents were lined up along 5th Street and the school buses could not get through. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Please wear grey and gold on Mondays to help show the support this amazing family deserves.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Fall Rec Sports Registration: Please see flyer for additional information.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Rec Registration
Elementary Open House: Please join us for our Elementary Open House on Tuesday August 20th from 5:30-7:00 pm.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
24-25 Open House
Preschool/Elementary Testing Day Reminder: Please remember that this Thursday, August 15th, preschool and elementary students will NOT have school. Please be on the lookout for your child's teacher be sending a reminder home pertaining to your child's testing time. Please call with any questions.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
testing Day
Put Thursday on your calendar!
5 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Back to School Picnic-Thursday August 15 at 6:30pm
Wiley is looking for a part-time driver to drive a district vehicle to La Junta and back twice a day, 4 days a week to deliver and pick up students. If you are interested, please reach out to the main office at school or the district website to apply. Drivers will need to have a background check, fingerprinting, and clean driving record. No CDL required. Call 719-829-4806.
5 months ago, Wiley School District RE 13 JT
Please read from the School Nurses: Parents/Guardians, Students who must take or self-carry medication (For example, inhaler, epi-pen, or seizure medication) while at school or school-related events, including when riding the bus, must submit the medication and all relevant medical documentation to the school nurse. Failure to do so will result in the student not being allowed to participate in recess, physical education, sporting events, or to ride the bus until the required items are received. This is for the safety of your child and the staff providing oversight or requiring the proper training to respond to your child's health needs. If you have any questions, please call the school at 719-829-4806.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
I hope everyone has had a great summer! We are looking forward to seeing all of our students. We hope you all are as excited as we are to get started with the 2024-2025 school year. Tomorrow, Monday, August 12, 2024 is the first day of school for all students Preschool through 12th grade. Please remember that Elementary breakfast for kindergarten through fifth grade will be served from 7:30 to 7:50 AM.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Bus Riders: Please find below the estimated pick-up times for school busses. Truck Plaza (Lamar Residents): Please be at the bus stop no later than 7:20 am. The bus will leave the bus stop at 7:25 am. Please remember to respect and abide by the light system on the bus. Remember, you cannot leave the bus stop until the RED loading lights have turned off and the bus has left. Rural Route Students: Please be ready to be picked up around 7:15 am. This is an estimated time so please be on the lookout for your school bus.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Wiley Procedural Modifications With Roof Construction Entering the Building Student Entrance will be through the south doors by the Art room. There will be NO access through any of the west-facing doors. This includes the Front Office, Commons Doors, and both Elementary Entrances. Parents and visitors will also need to enter through the south doors. These doors are equipped with a camera and buzzer to request access. Upon entrance, you must report directly to the front entrance to sign in. Parking–Student, Visitor, and Staff Student parking will continue in the student parking lot. However, only the south entrance between the Bus Barn and concrete barriers will be available for entry and exit. Please park in the first two rows on the east side. Staff will utilize the west side. Please use a high degree of caution and slow speeds when entering and exiting the parking lot. When walking to the school, please do not enter the coned-off construction area and proceed directly to the south entrance. Staff will need to park on the west side of the Student Parking Lot. If necessary, additional parking will be available in the football field area. Enter and exit between the Bus Barn and concrete barriers. Please respect the coned-off area when approaching the school and enter the building through the south doors. There will be construction activity, including heavy machinery operating in this area. Visitors will need to park along Ward Street across from the Preschool. Please DO NOT block any of the entrances or bays of the bus barns. Parent Pick-Up and Drop-Off: Parent pick-up and drop-off will be moved to Main Street. Parents will need to drop-off and pick-up by the east facing entrance of the Auxiliary Gym. Parents are asked to be facing south on Main Street when picking up and dropping off their child(ren). If students walk or ride their bicycles to school, and need to cross Main Street, they are asked to wait until a staff member directs them across. Students are asked to cross Main Street at the corner of 5th Street (Directly east of the Auxiliary Gym). All motorists are asked to use extreme caution and slow speeds between the times of 7:30 am - 7:50 am and 4:00 pm - 4:20 pm when traveling down Main Street. Bike racks will be moved to the south entrance for use. Bus Drop Off and Pick up will remain on the north side of the building.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
School Bus Forms and Free/Reduced Lunch Forms: Please use the following links to complete both forms. ALL families need to complete both forms. Please take a few minutes to complete the forms. Bus Form: Lunch Application: Forms need to be completed ASAP. If bus forms are not completed, do not assume the bus will stop to pick your child up. This form MUST be completed before children can ride the school bus. Elementary students need to complete in order to attend field trips and extracurricular activities.
5 months ago, Dusty Eikenberg
Athletic Schedules for this fall! Should be exciting with some new teams on the schedules and new beginnings for football! Come out and support every chance you get! GO PANTHERS!
5 months ago, Draven Adame