National Honor Society and Student Council Officer Induction Ceremony and Member Recognition Program will be Monday, May 10, at 3:30 P.M. in the school library. Family is invited to attend and there will be a reception following.
Wiley Panthers Volleyball Team Advances to State!
Congratulations to the Wiley Panthers Volleyball Team for winning their regional tournament and advancing to the State Volleyball Tournament!
Good Luck Ladies!
Gymnastics Championship Results:
Paycen Williams - 2nd Place
Elizabeth Mortimeyer - 3rd Place
Jacee Kravig - 4th Place
Gulianna Cicerelli - 5th Place
Congratulations Ladies!
5/1 JH Track Meet - Additional Info
5/1 JH Track Meet Info
The bus will leave on Saturday, May 1st at 7:45 am. If your child will be meeting us in Lamar, they need to let a coach know. Please send them with a lot to drink, food, and sunscreen. It is going to be HOT!
Lamar JH Invitational
When: May 1st
Time: Scratch meeting 8:30 am
Field Events: 9:00 am
Running Events: 10:00 am
Where: Lamar Savage Stadium and Lamar Middle School
Fee’s: 70$ for team Girls + Boys=140$
We will use our timing system for the meet. All events are final, there will NOT be any preliminaries.
List of events
Field: Shot Put, Discus, Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump
Track: 110 Hurdles, 100 Dash, 200 Dash, 400 Dash, 800 Run, 1600 Run, 4x100, 4x200, Medley(girls), 4x400
I will send a schedule of events out as we get closer.
Please have your athletes uploaded into Milesplit by April 30th.
No Ribbons/awards will be handed out this year
Currently we have no limitations on fans or athletes. We ask that you be flexible if something changes. We will notify you as quickly has possible to any changes.
We ask that teams stay as separated as possible in the stands or in the grass near the high jump. We also ask you to keep the infield as clear as possible, we understand there is some need to be there, but please no camps in the infield and limit athletes inside to warming up or doing an event.
Questions or concerns email
4 Wiley students will be competing in the AAU Missouri Valley District Gymnastics Championship this weekend.
Best of luck to Elizabeth Mortimeyer, Jacee Kravig, Gulianna Cicerelli and Paycen Williams!
4/29/21 McClave JH Practice Track Meet
Field Events Start at 9:00 am/Running Events Start at 11:00 am
Coaches meeting at 8:45
The bus will leave for the McClave Track Meet at 8am on Thursday morning. Please make sure your child brings a pair of sweats, a sweatshirt, a hat, sunscreen, food, and water. It is important that they bring enough to drink. Students should be coming home with a track uniform today. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school.
Thursday, 4/29/21 - Last day to order volleyball and junior high wrestling pictures. Order forms available at the front office.
5/1 Regional Volleyball Tournament Info
Site: Wiley Gymnasium
Address: 510 Ward Street, Wiley, CO
Date: Saturday, May 1st
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Region: 2
Teams: ECA, McClave, Wiley
Gate Prices: $9.00 Adults, $8.00 (K-12 & Senior Citizens)
Bus Information:
Buses need to park next to the gymnasium on 5th Street.
Team Information:
Please have your team gate list emailed to and as soon as possible.
All teams will enter through the southeast doors facing the ag shop right next to the gymnasium.
If you show up and a team is waiting to be checked in, please wait in your bus until everyone from the other team has been checked in and cleared.
Upon entering, your team will need to have their masks on and get a temperature check. Names will be checked with the gate list you send in to me.
Each team will have a locker room entrance from this hallway. Your locker room will be marked.
ECA - JH Boys Locker Room
Wiley - HS Girls Locker Room
McClave - JH Girls Locker Room
Each team will have a waiting room to sit in while waiting for other games to finish if needed..
ECA - Music Room
Wiley - Mr. Adame’s Room
McClave - Art Room
Please have your teams enter the gym through the locker room.
Home team bench will be on the southeast side of the gym.
Visitor’s bench will be on the southwest side of the gym.
Masks will be required at all times while inside the building.
15 minutes will be provided between matches when teams play back to back before the warm up will start for the next game.
Schedule will be as follows:
Wiley vs. ECA
McClave vs ECA
Wiley vs McClave
Tiebreaker Matches if necessary
Fan Information:
All fans will enter the building through the southwest doors in the front of the school.
Admissions table will be in the hallway towards the gym.
ECA and McClave fans enter the gym through the main gym entrance.
Wiley fans enter the gym through the entrance behind the music room.
All fans are required to wear a mask upon entering the building and are to keep them on while in attendance.
Fans have a designated area to sit. Please refer to the gym diagram for your crowd seating area.
Student sections have been marked off. Students will have to move after their team has finished playing if another team will be using that bench.
General Information:
A concession stand will be available.
Items include:
Water, Gatorade, Pepsi, Dt. Pepsi, Mt. Dew, Sierra Mist
Candy Bars/Candy
Walking Tacos
Beef/Bean Burritos
Breakfast Burritos
Tables will be located inside and outside for fans to enjoy food and beverages.
Games will be live streamed and can be viewed off of our Wiley School District YouTube page.
All CHSAA rules and regulations apply during this regional tournament.
Wiley FFA Chapter Banquet
4/28/2021 at 6 p.m.
4/22/21 Volleyball BLACKOUT Night
Wear BLACK to support our Wiley Panthers!
Wiley School District is accepting applications for the following full-time positions for the 2021-2022 School Year:
K-12 Music Teacher
6-12 English/Language Arts Teacher
6-12 Science Teacher
K-12 Special Education Teacher
5th Grade Teacher
Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and certifications to Superintendent Bollinger at EOE
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents
Seniors and senior parents will be needed Saturday morning to set up for After Prom. We will begin at 9:00 a.m. We will also need at least one parent for each student to help with putting on After Prom from midnight to 3:00 a.m. If anyone has questions, they can contact class sponsors Robin Prosser or Tia Christie.
In order to help with planning and programs, we will need all current out of district students to complete the Out of District Renewal form by May 1st, 2021. It is a simple one page form accessed through our website at, click on the "More" dropdown menu, then click enrollment forms. Please do not miss this deadline as it may hinder your out of district status for next year.
Thank you.
Mr. Bollinger
Secondary English Teacher
Wiley School District is seeking a Secondary English Teacher for the 21-22 school year. Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and certifications to Superintendent Bollinger at EOE
K-12 Special Education Teacher
Wiley School District is seeking a K-12 Special Education Teacher for the 21-22 school year. Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and certifications to Superintendent Bollinger at EOE
Testing Information
On Monday April 12th students will begin testing week. Testing for K-8 will be Monday-Wednesday.
9-10 will be Monday and Tuesday.
11th grade will be Tuesday only.
11th grade will be allowed to stay home for Monday morning and report to school after lunch.
12th grade will be allowed to stay home for Monday and Tuesday morning and report to school after lunch on those days.
We ask that you have your students rested and to school on time and that you please not schedule any appointments during their testing times.
Thank you.
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents! Pictures needed!
Congratulations to the following students who competed in the Band Contest at the Otero Arts Festival on March 30th.
Junior High Competition:
Samy Roman - 1st place and Best Junior High Musician
Samuel Mortimeyer - 2nd place
High School Competition:
Annabelle Mortimeyer - 2nd place
Destiny Burgess - 3rd place
Mandatory Senior Parent Meeting 3/31/2021
We apologize for the late notice but need to have a mandatory parent meeting about after prom. You can attend by the zoom link below or in person in the Library On March 31st at 5:30 before the FFA dinner. If you have any questions please give me a call at the school
Thank you
Tia Christie
Tia Christie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Senior Parent Meeting
Time: Mar 31, 2021 05:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 943 0526 8106
Passcode: QwE8VP